Fibersse® Polydextrose

Specifications: Available in 25 kg paper bag with PE liner inside

Dietary Fiber
A soluble dietary fiber.
Source of fiber which essential for health.

Weight Management
Give satiety, low calorie,
low GI and save for
diabetes and hypertension

Gut Health
Support the growth of gut

Health Claims
No sugar, reduce sugar,
without sugar, reduced fat,
Source/high of fiber claims

Longer Shelf Life
Stabilize the product as humectant,
thus will maintain the initial
quality of the product

Dietary Fiber
A soluble dietary fiber.
Source of fiber which essential for health.
- Ice Cream & Frozen Desserts
- Baked Goods and Bakery Mixes
- Candy and Confections
- Yoghurt and Dairy Drinks
- Cereal Bars
- Cookies & Biscuits
- Hot Instant Drinks
- Beverages
- Jams/Ketchup & Red/Brown Sauces
- Confectionery
- Others
About Polydextrose:
In general, polydextrose (PDX) is a synthetic polymer made from naturally occurring compounds produced from corn starch (sorbitol, citric acid and glucose). In Japan, polydextrose was classified as food ingredients, while in the other countries polydextrose was classified as food additive 21CFR172.841 or 1333/2008/EC. Polydextrose has been used as food ingredient since 1960s and approved as low calorie food ingredient in 1981. Polydextrose consist of randomly linked glucose oligomer contains sorbitol and citric acid. Due to its complicated structure, polydextrose has the same physiological effects dietary fibers and classified as non-digestible oligosaccharide / soluble dietary fiber.
As for the acceptable daily intake (ADI) of polydextrose, JECFA and EU concluded that the ADI was not specified. But, suggested to be consumed up to 90 grams/day or 50 grams as single dose without any unwanted gastrointestinal effects. Too much polydextrose intake, resulted in severe diarrhea, flatulence, bloating and stomach cramps.
Polydextrose is very beneficial especially for food and beverages product as sugar & fat replacer, texturizer, stabilizer, bulking agent, and humectant, as well as good source of fiber. Moreover, if it’s taken by mouth (as supplement) polydextrose can prevent and treat scaly and itchy skin, prediabetes and diabetes. It is also beneficial for infant development and prebiotic activity. Due to the various beneficial effects of polydextrose, usually it is used in sugar reduced products, no added sugar products, sugar-free products, baked goods, carbonated/non-carbonated drinks, dairy drinks, frozen dairy dessert, ready to drink (RTD products, hot and cold beverages, chocolate confectionary, pasta and noodles, processed fish and meat products, infant formula and cosmetics.